Monday, January 28, 2008

city museum

the city museum has added a museum of st. louis architecture. this also includes a little room of (dead) animals native to missouri. okay. not really sure why the penguin was included. just for fun?


The Pancake Master said...

Did you use some kind of filter on the owls/penguin/mongoose (or whatever that is) pictures? They have this weird almost aquatic feel to them, I LIKE IT!

jaffa said...

i think it was just the they're-behind-glass factor. thanks.

The Pancake Master said...

What kinda camera is your new one? Do you use that for most of the stuff you post here?

jaffa said...

yes, i do use my new camera for a lot of the stuff on here. the last postings that were not with it were the ones from my parent's house. speaking of, i need to post some more from that trip. but scanning is annoying. so, the digital camera is a canon sd1000.

The Pancake Master said...

Scanning is annoying. So those were taken 35mm? Did you develop and print them yourself? Whenever I get stuff developed at Target or wherever, I order the Photo CD along with it (and usually just get single prints); whatever it costs is typically worth it not to have to scan the pictures in.

If you processed/printed those yerself, though, yeah, obviously a moot point.