Sunday, April 6, 2008

and on the lard's day there will be sun.

I went on a little biking adventure with cameras today. I fixed my first flat. Yes, generally, I've been lazy and taken my bike to the shop, but I do own a patch kit and pump which I always have with me and figured things out while I was broke down on Broadway near the Soulard Market. With ridiculously greasy hands, I bought an apple from the one stall that is open on Sundays.

I have no idea what "FRESH WHSE" is. Do you?

I really like this 219 building. I suspect it might be an art studio of some sort, but that's just speculation.

The arch through an archway at the Metrolink Station on the Landing.


The Pancake Master said...

WHSE means "Warehouse" or "Wholesale," according to

jaffa said...

thank you, finder of acronyms. but, why fresh?

Elizabeth Hartsig said...

Where are those painted horsies?

jaffa said...

the horses are on broadway close to downtown.

ts said...

You make St. Louis look so imperfectly lovely. More city photos! More city art! More more more!

jaffa said...

thanks. and yes, ma'am.