Monday, October 19, 2009

memphis at night

memphis at day

i visited memphis a few weeks ago. found there, were many painted buildings and a puppy in a bag.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

molly's sweet tator

my coworker, molly was pretty excited the day she walked to work with this gigantic sweet potato from her garden.

at stirrup pants on dave mcnelly's birthday


sometimes i really like the way my phone's camera picks up light. maggie got a bass guitar.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

stirrup pants

maggie opened her chapbook shop yesterday. there was music, beverages, snacks, and friends. and a really fat cat that wandered in off the streets. he had a very glittery collar.

summer sun

i kind of think that if there had been an ant on either side of emily's glasses, it would no longer be with this world.