Monday, June 18, 2007

slab o' bacon

this is also in granite city.


this was taken near the granite city, il area. i believe it is the sign for a drive-in that no longer exists.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

the art of boredom/procrastination

i sat down at the computer with intentions of working on a video transcription. this happened instead.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

cocktail napkin

this is another photo from the day of my birth, 26 years later. st. louis's downtown looks like something apocalyptic happened. things are strewn oddly about and a film of dirt covers a large amount of objects, many of which are misplaced--such as my little napkin friend here.

two things

1. i am listening to npr and heard that a woman running a race was hit by a deer last weekend. she has had two (or wains it three?) previous encounters with deer, both in which she hit them with her car.

2. on tv last night, this was said: the cw and kfc would like to remind you to celebrate black music history month.

Monday, June 11, 2007


this guy (or actually, maybe lion/girl) was in my backyard a couple weeks ago. there's often trash back there. most recently, it was an empty carton of oj (or was it limeade?) and numerous junk mailers. my backyard is really just a bed of gravel meant for parking on, some weeds, and a possibly failing compost attempt made by my roommate.

memorial birds

this weekend, i hung out in the park and watched several groups of ducklings following their mamas around a pond (which, by the way, is chock full of crawfish).

unfortunately, this group of fledglings didn't make it out of their nest alive. i found them on the way home from a friend's house on my birthday--which happened to fall on memorial day this year.