Saturday, December 8, 2007


so, friends, i just want some input: should i make prints of my illustrations and perhaps sell them? would you buy them? would someone?

also, who reads this? just say hi.


The Pancake Master said...

Heck yes I read this via LJ feed! But, I'm too poor to buy art, even if my friends made it and I love it.

jaffa said...

i knew you were one of the readers. i understand not having funds for buying art. i'm in the same boat.

Relief Map said...

Jaffa, you know I'm an f*tron fan. And I've already got a Jaffa bird on the way. Head on over to the exquisite corpse when you're looking for somewhere to wander.

Anonymous said...

yo knitty bitch. i'm watching you, or reading you, whatever!